June 9, 2012

Free #YA #ebook plus #contests and #prizes!

It's June 9th. The first day of our local library's summer reading festival.

Today, SEMPER is a free kindle download. It's supposed to be, anyway. It's just after midnight Pacific time as I type this, and I see it's still $2.99 at Amazon. So check the price before you click "buy".

Better yet, I am donating all my royalties from the sale of Semper between June 9 and August 18. I am doing this in two fun contests and one donation. The donation will go to my local library to say "thank you" for all the years my boys have enjoyed their summer reading program.

The contests give you something, and your favorite teacher something. For full details, hop on over to my Semper page on my web site or go straight to the page that describes the contests.

I hope you'll get the free download, read the book, enter the contests, and tell all your friends about the contests, too. I think you won't be disappointed. Better yet, buy the book when it's not free so I can donate more to the library at the end of the summer.

Thank you!

What's on your summer reading list? Let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea, Pete! This is awesome.